Scripture: But the Lord said to [Ananias], “Go, for [Paul] is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” (Acts 9:15-16)
We don’t often realize that suffering and the mission of God go hand in hand. But we have a suffering savior who came into the world on a mission from his Father. So it only makes sense that those who follow after him will enter into suffering. But because our suffering is in Christ, it is not meaningless. In Christ, God uses our suffering to accomplish his mission. In that way, our suffering becomes redemptive.
Prayer: Lord, I really don’t want to suffer for your name’s sake. I want to live a smooth and easy life, where I only have challenges that I know how to handle. Please forgive me where I have chosen my own comforts over the suffering that you have called me to. Disciple me, Jesus, so that I would be like you. Amen.